My Soulmate


My dear queerplatonic partner, Ellis, means more to me than I can ever really say. It's the gentle moon to my sun, void, and eternal flame. It balances me out as my partner like no one ever has before it. It's given me healing. It's given me unconditional love. It's given me rest.

My other loved ones

✧ (Eri)cius 🌅 ; My oldest and first true friend. They've shone their light on me for 8 years and counting, and I have only ever been thankful and comforted by them.

✦ Purrminator/Joss(i) 🕷️ ; Silly, informative and intelligent, they've been around for years. I adore them wholeheartedly.

✧ Cinna/Bloom/Creature/Critter 🐈 ; My dear kittycatgirlboyglittercreaturething. Peace and love. It's always there for me in a way that is so emotionally intelligent.

✦ Ainsley 📚 ; A very autistic, quietly funny, gentle soul. They've been here for a while, and they're so so so kind and sweet.

✧ The Mosh Pit/Star/Axel 🌟 ; My cherished, inspiring ouppy friends. They're lovely, fierce yet kind, creative and dynamic. They deserve the whole world.

✦ Jandy/Em/Juniper 🦐 ; They're loving and lovely! She's kind, and always willing to do right by their loved ones. I'm always wishing her the best.